3 Ways a Podiatrist Can Support Children with Cerebral Palsy

Children with cerebral palsy experience problems with muscle control and mobility, which can impact on their self-confidence and ability to gain independence as they grow. A podiatrist can help improve the way your child walks and help strengthen the muscles in your child's feet. Here's an overview of three ways a podiatrist can support your child:

Foot Orthosis

Children with cerebral palsy often develop a dropped foot, which leads to the foot dragging when they walk. A podiatrist can measure their foot for an ankle-foot orthosis, which is a type of brace. The orthosis supports the weak muscles in the affected foot and holds the foot at the correct angle, which can prevent your child tripping when they walk. Custom-made orthotic insoles are sometimes used with an ankle-foot orthosis to support the foot arches, as your child's foot arches can collapse when the foot muscles are weak, and this puts extra strain on their ankles. 


Your podiatrist will teach you and your child a series of gentle, targeted exercises to strengthen the muscles in your child's feet and increase joint flexibility. The exercises encourage certain muscles to become more engaged, while encouraging others to loosen. This can help address issues with your child's gait, such as walking on tiptoes as a result of muscle constriction. Your child will have to do these exercises daily to benefit from them fully, but they can be broken down into manageable tasks that only take a few minutes each to complete.

Functional Electrical Stimulation

Functional electrical stimulation is a type of treatment that's primarily used to address muscle function problems in patients with an impaired nervous system. For example, if your child's foot does not lift high enough when they take a step, functional electrical stimulation can be used to engage the muscles that are currently not working well enough. Treatment is delivered using a small machine with electrodes attached. The machine emits low-voltage electrical impulses, and the electrodes are attached to your child's feet. The electrical impulses are used to stimulate the nerves of the muscles in your child's feet that are not functioning optimally. The aim of the treatment is to get the muscles working as they should by encouraging a strong link to form between the brain and affected muscles. The electrical impulses initially jumpstart the nerves in the feet that send signals to your child's brain, and the nerves can continue sending strong signals that control how the feet move once treatment is complete.  

Regular podiatric care can enhance your child's mobility and should form part of their healthcare plan. If you'd like to further explore how a podiatrist can contribute to your child's health, schedule a foot exam. 

About Me

Ingrown toenails in runners

I love to go for a long run, but there is one thing that will always stop me, which is getting an ingrown toenail. Our family all has toenails that all tend to curl inwards, which makes us very vulnerable to getting ingrown toenails. I do everything I can to manage the issue such as clipping my toenails at a curve and keeping my feet clean and hygienic. When it doesn't work I make a point to see the podiatrist to get some professional treatment as soon as possible. This blog is all about ingrown toenails in long distance runners.


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