Various Benefits of Custom Orthotics for Runners

People will typically associate orthotic inserts with seniors, but they are advantageous for a wide array of foot disorders, especially if you are an amateur or professional runner. Running is a strenuous activity that puts you at risk of health problems with your lower body. These issues come about because your foot is absorbing a high degree of shock while supporting your body weight. If your foot is not getting the appropriate support, you could become vulnerable to overpronation or under-pronation, leading to the misalignment of the joints in your feet. You could also develop consequent injuries such as shin splints, blisters and more. Read on to find out the various ways that custom orthotics would be beneficial to you as a runner.

Custom orthotics transform every shoe into a custom fit

Since shoes are manufactured en masse, the closest you can get to getting a perfect fit is to choose your shoe size. Nevertheless, size is not the only aspect that differentiates your foot from another. The arch of your foot, the width and more will also dictate how well a shoe fits your needs. Thus, you may invest in an expensive pair of running shoes only to find that they still do not cushion your foot perfectly.

Custom orthotics eliminate this problem, as they will transform any shoe to fit your foot as best as possible. The orthotics are fashioned from a three-dimension impression of your foot, so all you would need to do is slip the orthotic in the shoe and be assured of ample cushioning and support.

Custom orthotics have a long shelf life

A second benefit of choosing custom orthotics rather than buying over-the-counter orthotics is the longevity that they will afford you. Over-the-counter orthotics may function adequately for a few months, but you need to bear in mind that they are not custom-made to your foot. Therefore, although they are designed to provide support, the shape of your foot may translate into uneven wear of the orthotics depending on how your feet come into contact with the ground as you run.

Custom orthotics, on the other hand, ensure even weight distribution in accordance with the unique shape of your foot and individual running style. Therefore, they are less likely to wear down prematurely and will serve you for much longer than their over the counter alternatives. Moreover, custom orthotics can also be refurbished to prolong their lifespan when they begin to exhibit signs of wear.

About Me

Ingrown toenails in runners

I love to go for a long run, but there is one thing that will always stop me, which is getting an ingrown toenail. Our family all has toenails that all tend to curl inwards, which makes us very vulnerable to getting ingrown toenails. I do everything I can to manage the issue such as clipping my toenails at a curve and keeping my feet clean and hygienic. When it doesn't work I make a point to see the podiatrist to get some professional treatment as soon as possible. This blog is all about ingrown toenails in long distance runners.


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