Top Reasons To See a Podiatrist

A podiatrist is a specialist who deals with diagnosing and treating ankle and foot conditions. Podiatrists can also perform surgeries, like an ingrown toenail surgery, when treating serious foot problems. A podiatrist will also check a patient's blood pressure to determine whether there is sufficient blood flowing to the toes. If you are wondering whether or not you should see a foot specialist, here are some of the signs to look out for.


If you are suffering from diabetes, it is important to visit a podiatrist regularly for a foot checkup. Diabetes is a condition in which your body does not make insulin or use it the way it is supposed to. Insulin is important for digesting sugar. Diabetes can damage nerves in your legs or feet. This means you will experience trouble with blood circulation to your feet.

Some other foot problems that may be associated with diabetes are dry skin. You may also experience tingling and pain in your feet. Diabetes can result in serious complications that may require a foot amputation.

Heel Pain

Another sign you need to call a podiatrist is heel pain. Heel pain may be caused by heel spurs. A heel spur is a buildup of calcium below your heel bone. You can get a heel spur from ill-fitting shoes, from running, or from being overweight.

One condition that may result in heel pain is plantar fasciitis. This inflammation affects the connective tissue at the bottom of your feet. This condition is mainly caused by wearing non-supportive footwear and sports shoes. When you wear these types of shoes, your foot bends out or in too far when walking. Another condition that may result in heel pain is Achilles tendinitis. This condition causes pain behind your heel. If you experience these kinds of heel pain, you need to see a podiatrist before the problem gets worse.

Shape Changes

Your feet change as you grow old. Some of the conditions associated with this change include bunions and corns. A podiatrist will either recommend medication or perform surgery to eliminate these conditions.

A bunion is a bump that is similar to a protruding bone at the base of your big toe. This formation arises when the joint or bone of the toe is out of place. Bunions can be very painful. On the other hand, corns and calluses are a buildup of dead skin. When corns or calluses are too large, they can be very painful and make it uncomfortable to wear shoes.

To learn more, contact a podiatrist.

About Me

Ingrown toenails in runners

I love to go for a long run, but there is one thing that will always stop me, which is getting an ingrown toenail. Our family all has toenails that all tend to curl inwards, which makes us very vulnerable to getting ingrown toenails. I do everything I can to manage the issue such as clipping my toenails at a curve and keeping my feet clean and hygienic. When it doesn't work I make a point to see the podiatrist to get some professional treatment as soon as possible. This blog is all about ingrown toenails in long distance runners.


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